Windmills in the Czech Republic

My apologies for mangling words and place names on this page - I don't speak Czech, and some words on this page have been rendered without accents. In addition, I've sometimes had to guess which word on a page was the town - it's highly likely that I've managed to mis-locate a number of these mills, or have placed them under a heading which is not their actual location.

Windmill is rendered in Czech as either "vetrnik", or "vetrny mlyn".

Remaining Mills

Arnoltice (#cz34)

tower mill : - residential conversion

Brusperk (#cz23)

tower mill : [photo]

Budisov (#cz42)

tower mill :

Bzová (#cz27)

tower mill : - house converted

Chvalkovice (#cz2)

tower mill :

This brick built cylindrical tower from 1873 retains a great deal of its internal machinery, though the external appearance of the mill has deteriorated in recent years.

The mill was extensively modernized in 1918 when a gas coke motor was added as a power source, and a rolling and peeling machine introduced. Operation continued until 1941.

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Donín (#cz40)

tower mill :

Heřmanice (#cz43)

tower mill :

Horní Polubný (#cz41)

tower mill : - house converted

Huntírov (#cz35)

tower mill : - residential conversion

Janov (#cz22)

tower mill : 1844 [info] [map]

Jednov (#cz12)

tower mill : - house converted [photo] [info]

Klobouky u Brna (#cz3)

post mill :
Klobouky u Brna

This post mill is the last remaining of 3 mills that once dominated the town of Klobouky. It was originally constructed at Pacetluky, and transported to its current position.

[photo] [info] [map]

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Korenec (#cz4)

tower mill :

Stone built tower. The field round the mill is a haven for lots of different types of mushrooms.


Kromeriz (#cz16)

Museum Kromerizska: post mill : [info]

Kunkovice (#cz5)

tower mill :

Derelict tower mill, with some contents remaining. Roof is in good condition, but below that things get worse - windshaft is burnt through, and remains of one gear wheel are on top floor. The single central pair of millstones remain somewhat precariously in place on the middle floor, being 1m in diameter, and the top stone is 28cm thick, with a 6cm iron shaft driving it.

The ground floor is uneven wth no stairs remaining to upper floors. Outside, the tower is on a mixture of different size bricks, with much of the rendering now breaking off, and bricks have dislodged around windows and doorways. No doors remain in place. The bare stocks of the sails remain.


Kuzelov (#cz6)

tower mill :

Conical stone tower mill dating from 1842, with a shingled roof, which retains its milling machinery.

Grain continued to be milled here until the end of the First World War, then through to 1946 just crushing rather than milling was performed. The owners from 1904 to the end of its working line were the Kasik family, and by 1973 it was in a state of disrepair. In that year the technical Museum in Brno stared a restoration which took till 1977, and the mill is now open to the public along with the adjacent residential and agricultural buildings.

The festival "Hornacke slavnosti" is held at the mill each June, and the mill features on a Czech postage stamp.

[photo] [info] [photo] [photo] [map] [info] [photo] [info] [photo] [photo]

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Lesne (#cz19)

tower mill : [photo] [info]

Mikulásovice (#cz36)

tower mill : - rubble

Mlada Boleslav (#cz30)

tower mill : - house converted

Nemcice (#cz7)

tower mill : - no remaining machinery. Residential converted

Ostrov u Macochy (#cz11)

tower mill :
Ostrov u Macochy
[photo] [photo]

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Petrovice (#cz8)

tower mill : - converted into a very luxurious residence

Prague (#cz1)

Pension Vetrnik: tower mill : - residential conversion
Pension Vetrnik

The white painted cylindrical tower mill now incorporated into Pension Vetrnik was originally built in 1722. The sails and milling machinery were removed around 1899, and the residential wing added as part of the conversion in 1902 by the grandfather of the present owner. During the Communist era, the buildings provided housing for 3 or 4 families.

Pictures from 1958 show the accomodation has changed a bit since then, and now the residential wing provides the six guest rooms of the pension. A couple of millstones in the gardens are a reminder of the building's milling heritage.

[homepage] [photo] [info]

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Premyslovice (#cz13)

tower mill :
[photo] [photo] [photo]

31 Facebook images

Prícovy (#cz14)

tower mill : - partly ruined shell [info] [info] [photo]

Rakouska (#cz18)

tower mill : [photo]

Roznov (#cz32)

Wallachian Museum: post mill : - moved from Kladníky Prerovská to museum and restored [homepage]

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Roznov (#cz33)

Wallachian Museum: wooden windengine: [homepage]

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Rudice (#cz9)

tower mill :
Rudice garden

Cylindrical random stone tower mill, built 1865, by M Sevcik (whose family contined to own it through to 1970).

Repairs were made in 1922, but the sails were destroyed by a storm in 1925, and in 1929 the mill switched to electrical power. Milling was stopped by officials during WW2, who cancelled the miller's privilege in 1945. Repairs in 1968 did much to arrest the general disrepair, and new sails were fitted in 1973. The tin roof of an earlier repair was removed in 1996, and a shingled roof reinstated.

The mill now houses a museum, which opened in August 1994, including geological and caving exhibits, and a history of the village. In the garden there is a collection of millstones, though none of the milling machinery remains inside the tower.

[photo] [photo] [info] [info] [photo]

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Rumburk (#cz37)

church incorporating substantial part of windmill wall:

Ruprechtov (#cz10)

tower, topped with a wind engine:

This cylindrical mill tower was built by Cyril Wagner in 1873 with regular sails. However after storm damage in 1882, Cyril changed to using a multi-vaned Halladay wind-engine, which almost doubled the power of the mill.

During the 20th century, the mill had many owners, but was put out of action when the Wehrmacht used the area as a shooting range during the Nazi occupation. As then mill owner, J Tesar, was removed from the mill in 1948, the mechanism fell into disrepair.

The remains were dismantled, and a reconstruction of the wind-engine was undertaken in 1994-5, following the original design. The tower itself no longer houses the original milling machinery, but is open to the public at certain times.

[photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [info] [map]

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Ruzova (#cz21)

Penzion Vetrny Mlyn: tower mill : - converted to a B&B [info]

Rymice (#cz25)

post mill :

Sirejovice (#cz39)

tower mill : - converted in to a castle, now ruinous

Skalicka (#cz15)

post mill :
[photo] [info]

Stary Poddvorov (#cz26)

post mill :

Stipa (#cz17)

tower mill : [info] [photo]

3 Facebook images

Svetlik (#cz20)

tower mill :
Svetlik, 2003 © Ivo Koukol
Svetlik, 2003 © Ivo Koukol
Svetlik, 2003 © Ivo Koukol

Vertical sided tower mill, retaining most internal machinery, and some remnants of sails (stored inside). Undergoing restoration, commencing with external rendering work in 2002.

[photo] [photo] [photo] [info]

Trebíc (#cz24)

tower mill : 1836

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Varnsdorf (#cz38)

tower mill : - house converted

Velké Tesany (#cz31)

post mill : - restored

Vrátno (#cz29)

tower mill : - house converted



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Last updated 27/07/2020 Text and images © Mark Berry, 1997-2020 -
Svetlik images © Ivo Koukol, 2003