Windmills of Uruguay

Colonia del Sacramento (#uy10)

El Torreón: tower mill : converted into a restaurant

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Minas (#uy9)

tower mill :


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Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Solymar (#uy8)

Mueso del Pan:

I suspect this is at best a reconstruction. There seems to be little current information about this museum, so it may no longer exist.

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Unión, Montevideo (#uy1)

Del Galgo: tower mill :

3 mills at Union, Montevideo
3 mills at Union, Montevideo c1900

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Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Mock Mills

Punta Del Este (#uymock1)

tower mill :

My only current reference to this is the caption on some flickr photos, which states it was built in the 1920 as the residence, of the poet André Giot de Badet. It's now called the "El Molino Viejo" having been later used as a mill, a milk farm and a factory that produced roof tiles and pipes.

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Historical locations

Montevideo (#uy11)

Mirador Rosado: tower mill :

The Mirador Rosado was destroyed by storms in 1977, and it's location is now the Domingo Savio school or college. The Mirador itself was old, but had been built upon the even older tower of a windmill.


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Last updated 03/03/2017 Text and images © Mark Berry, 1997-2017 -