Windmills of Trinidad and Tobago

Bacolet, Tobago (#tt16)

tower mill :

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Bon Accord, Tobago (#tt9)

tower mill : house converted

2 mills here, both converted

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Courland Bay estate, Tobago (#tt3)

tower mill : house converted

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Franklyn's estate, St. David, Tobago (#tt17)

tower mill : foundations remain

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Friendship estate, Tobago (#tt11)

Peacock Mill: tower mill : converted - at one time was a restaurant


Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Friendship estate, Tobago (#tt12)

tower mill : house converted

Entries in photo archives:

Golden Grove, Tobago (#tt7)

tower mill :

2 mills here

Entries in photo archives:

Killgwyn, Tobago (#tt14)

tower mill :

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Lowlands, Tobago (#tt13)

tower mill :

Now absorbed into the Tobago Plantations Beach and Golf Resort, which uses the tower as its logo.


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Mt Irvine, Tobago (#tt1)

tower mill :

Incorporated into the restaurant at the Mt Irvine Bay Hotel


Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Old Grange, Tobago (#tt2)

tower mill : house converted

north of Montgomery Road

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Orange Hill (#tt18)

tower mill :


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Riseland estate, St. Andrew, Tobago (#tt4)

tower mill :

3 mills here

Entries in photo archives:

Shirvan, Tobago (#tt15)

Shirvan Watermill (sic): tower mill :

small windmill tower


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Uncategorized (#ttunknown)

A number of other mills whose locations I cannot more accurately determine.


Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Picasa Web Album images are copyright their individual photographers.

Mock Mills

Arnos Vale (#ttmock1)

Sugar Mill: tower mill :

Fake millwall, built 2000 as the centre section of a 4 bed villa. Walls slope at 11 deg (which is the latitude of Tobago), rather than the more normal 15 deg.

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Entries in photo archives:
Picasa Web Album images are copyright their individual photographers.


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Last updated 03/03/2017 Text and images © Mark Berry, 1997-2017 -