Counts of New Zealand mills

Warning: Draft Information.

This page presents draft information, that is still being actively researched and fact checked. It may be incomplete, and contain more than the normal level of mistakes and factual errors. If you have any corrections or additions please get in touch.

Stats NZ have made copies of the New Zealand census from 1871 to 1916 available online under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

The data is stated as having been rekeyed from microfiche copies. I have extracted relevant parts here, and made some corrections to the data where it is obvious what was intended - say a missed cell has caused subsequent columns to be off by one. In general, the data looks to be in pretty good shape. I have also made some adjustments to the formatting, to improve consistency across the years.

The 1916 census data is in a different format to the other years, and has no details of mills in it. For all other years I have shown the section on Grain Mills. There are often other sections for Flax Mills, and Saw Mills which I have not shown.

1871 Census

1871 Census from Stats NZ.


Every effort was made to secure information with respect to the matter of the remaining Tables, viz., Mills for Grinding and Dressing Grain (No. XXVII), Breweries (No. XXVIII), Flax Mills (No. XXIX.), and other Manufactories and Works (Nos. XXX. and XXXI.) The results, so far as ascertained, are shown in the Tables, but, I apprehend, they must be regarded as defective in several instances, being either less than the numbers actually existing, or wanting in particulars which the Proprietors or others from whom information was sought failed to supply. The figures, however, have a definite value as showing the existence in December, 1870 (the date for which it was judged expedient that they should be made up), of at least the amount of Industry and Production indicated by them, the uncertainty being as to how much more there was in the Colony than they show. No doubt there has since the date been a very considerable increase in some or all of the Industries, with the introduction of others, and it may, I trust, be confidently anticipated that the next compilation will exhibit results which, besides additional matter, will be more complete and satisfactory as to those now given, from the experience which has been obtained of the difficulties which stand in the way of obtaining such Returns, and the best modes of endeavouring to overcome them.

Chapter 30. CENSUS OF NEW ZEALAND, FEBRUARY, 1871.—No. 27


Steam Water Wind Steam and Water Steam and Wind
(a) Six additional Mills have not been worked during the year
(b) And one Steel Mill.
(c) In some cases not given and in some not intelligibly given.
(d) One Mill not at work during a considerable portion of the year, and one out of repair.
Tons Tons
PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND (a) 9 1 4 1 3 ... 289½ (b) 24 46 11,161½ 3
PROVINCE OF TARANAKI 3 1 2 ... ... ... 44 6 7 475 50
PROVINCE OF WELLINGTON 8 4 4 ... ... ... 112 11 16 (c) 320 (c) 301
PROVINCE OF HAWKE'S BAY (d) 3 1 2 ... ... ... 23 5 5 180 2
PROVINCE OF NELSON 5 1 4 ... ... ... 60 9 22 3,238 466
PROVINCE OF MARLBOROUGH 2 2 ... ... ... 2 5 4 560 10
PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY 24 6 18 ... ... ... 260 57 87 8,950 656
COUNTY OF WESTLAND ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
PROVINCE OF OTAGO (as before Re-union with SOUTHLAND) 20 3 15 ... 1 1 323 58 60 11,039 927½
PROVINCE OF SOUTHLAND (as before Re-union with OTAGO) 3 1 2 ... ... ... 33 8 7 240 70
TOTALS 77 18 53 1 4 1 1,146½ (b) 183 254 36,163½ 2,485½

1874 Census

1874 Census from Stats NZ.
Grain Mills.-Returns were furnished, more or less correctly, in respect of 80 grain mills, of which 22 were worked by steam, 51 by water, 6 by water and steam, and 1 by steam and wind. They employed 214 hands, and made 36,884 tons of flour, and 3,793 tons of meal, during the year 1873. These mills were most numerous in Canterbury (29) and in Otago (23).

Chapter 99. GRAIN MILLS.

Table I. TABLE I. - Showing the Number of Mills for Grinding and Dressing Grain in Operation in the several Provinces of New Zealand during the Year ending December, 1873; with the Nature and Amount of the Power employed, the Number of Pairs of Stones in Operation, the Number of Hands employed, and the Approximate Quantities of Flour and Meal produced.

Provinces Number of Mills Power employed Amount of Horse Power Number of Pairs of Stones Number of Hands employed Flour made during the Year Meal made during the Year
Steam Water Wind Steam and Water Steam and Wind
* 1 mill standing still.
† In one instance the same engines drive biscuit-making machinery.
‡ 3 mills not working; 1 return imperfect.
§ 1 mill in operation eight months only; 1 proprietor declines to afford information; 1 return imperfect.
Tons Tons
Auckland 9 3 5 ... 1 ... 229 23 35 4,238 767½
Taranaki 3 1 2 ... ... ... 34 6 10 455 6
Wellington 8 3 5 ... ... ... 113 10 18 1,930 298¼
Hawke's Bay *3 1 2 ... ... ... 32 5 3 170 ...
Marlborough 3 ... 3 ... ... ... 44 8 7 596 30
Nelson 2 1 1 ... ... ... 27 5 3 640 78
Westland ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Canterbury 23 5 16 ... 2 ... 300½ 55 51 7,709¼ 1,498
Otago §29 8 17 ... 3 1 510 79 87 21,146½ 1,115
Totals 80 22 51 ... 6 1 1,289½ 191 214 36,884¾ 3,793

1878 Census

1878 Census from Stats NZ.

In the set of tables now published relating to industries will be found fuller details than were given in the corresponding tables for 1874. The tables for 1878 relating to grain-mills, breweries, and general industries contain in each case new columns, showing the approximate value of the lands and buildings, with that of the machinery and plant used. Table No. V., showing the number of miscellaneous manufactories and works in the different provincial districts, states also for the first time the number of hands employed in each description of establishment, and notes are added embodying some important particulars as to quantities of produce or numbers of articles manufactured. The same table as it formerly stood was less valuable, as to state simply the number of the industrial establishments, without reference to the labour they engage, the magnitude of their operations, or the capital employed, is an insufficient guide to what is actually being done.

Grain-mills.—Returns were received for a total number of 102 grain-mills, 25 of which were worked by steam, 62 by water, and 15 by compound power. These mills employed 325 hands, and turned out 57,179 tons of flour, besides 3,028 tons of meal, during the year ending 31st March, 1878. The returns, like those for 1874, may not be quite perfect, and an absolutely correct comparison of the number of mills, their power and produce, at the two Census years cannot be made, but an approximately true increase is shown of 22 in the number of mills and of 11 in the number employing steam-power, also of 20,295 tons of flour produced. These mills were most numerous in the Provincial Districts of Canterbury and Otago. A great increase would appear to have taken place since 1874 in the quantity of flour made in Canterbury. The figures are 7,709 tons for 1874, against 21,903 tons for 1878.

Chapter 144. GRAIN-MILLS.

Table I. Showing the Number of Mills for Grinding and Dressing Grain in Operation in the several Provincial Districts of New Zealand during the Year ending March, 1878; with the Nature and Amount of the Power employed, the Number of Pairs of Stones in Operation, the Number of Hands employed, the Approximate Quantities of Flour and Meal produced, and the Approximate Value of Land and Buildings, and Plant.
Provincial Districts. Number of Mills. Power employed. Amount of Horsepower. Number of Pairs of Stones. Number of Hands employed. Flour made during the Year. Meal made during the Year. Approximate Value of
Steam. Water. Wind. Steam and Water. Steam and Wind. Land and Buildings. Machinery and Plant.
Tons. Tons. £ £
Auckland 19 5 11 3 350 42 72 8,274 137 33,292 32,230
Taranaki 3 1 2 38 7 6 720 3,500 2,300
Wellington 9 2 6 1 72 13 10 1,290 92 4,700 5,050
Hawke's Bay
Marlborough 2 2 26 6 4 470 60 2,700 2,400
Nelson 9 4 4 1 90 13 16 1,505 145 3,920 5,130
Canterbury 33 6 24 1 2 450 79 107 21,903 911 57,049 35,690
Otago 27 7 13 7 528 90 110 23,017 1,683 61,450 43,474
Totals 102 25 62 13 2 1,554 250 325 57,179 3,028 166,611 126,274

NOTE—6 of the mills were worked for part of the year only. In 7 cases the value of the land and buildings, and in 2 cases that of the plant, was not given. The quantity of flour made in 6 mills was not returned.

1881 Census

1881 Census from Stats NZ.
Grain-mills.—The number of these mills for which returns were received amounted to 131, of which 49 were worked by steam-power and 11 by steam in combination with either wind or water. These mills employed 450 hands, and produced during 1880, 69,251 tons of flour and 7,143 tons of meal. The increase as compared with the returns in 1878 was 29 in the number of mills, 125 in the number of hands, and 16,187 tons of annual produce of flour and meal. 39 of these mills were in Canterbury and 38 in Otago.

Chapter 103. GRAIN-MILLS.

Table V. Showing the Number of Mills for Grinding and Dressing Grain in Operation in New Zealand in April, 1881 ; with the Nature and Amount of the Power employed, the Number of Pairs of Stones in Operation, the Number of Hands employed, the Approximate Quantities of Flour and Meal produced (during the Year 1880), and the Approximate Value of Land and Buildings, and Machinery and Plant.
Provincial Districts Number of Mills. Motive Power employed Amount of Horsepower. Number of Pairs of Stones. Number of Hands employed. Flour made during the Year. Meal made during the Year. Approximate Value of
Steam Water Wind. Steam and Water. Steam and Wind. Land and Buildings. Machinery and Plant.
Tens. Tons. £ £
Auckland 18 10 6 1 1 372 44 89 9,464 140 42,100 32,600
Taranaki 6 6 103 13 11 2,174 5,300 3.750
Wellington 13 10 2 1 199 28 33 4,930 151 14,170 14,100
Hawke's Bay 5 3 2 44 7 '3 643 96 5,000 3,200
Marlborough 2 2 26 6 3 395 10 2,600 1,400
Nelson 10 5 4 1 110 19 17 1,382 116 5.810 4,470
Canterbury 39 10 26 1 2 602 107 132 22,044 3,102 64,450 45,146
Otago 38 11 20 7 672 131 152 28,244 3,528 67,655 45,427
Totals 131 49 68 11 3 2,128 355 450 69,251 7,143 207,085 150,093

NOTE. — Eight of the mills were worked for part of the year. In four cases the value of land, buildings, machinery, and plant was not given, and in six cases the value of land and buildings was not given. The quantity of flour made at six mills was not returned.

1886 Census

1886 Census from Stats NZ.

Chapter 106. GRAIN - MILLS.

Table X_XVII. Showing the Number of Mills for grinding and dressing Grain in Operation in New Zealand in March, 1886; with the Nature and Amount of the Power employed, the Quantity and Value of Grain operated upon, the Quantity and Value of Flour and Meal produced during the Year 1885, and the Approximate Value of the Land, Buildings, and Machinery and Plant.

Provincial Districts Number of Mills Number of Hands employed Motive power employed Amount of Horse. Power Number of Pairs of Stones Grain operated upon during the Year 1885 Produce for the Year 1885 Approximate Value of
Males Steam Steam and Water Water Wind Gas and Water Steam and Wind Wheat Other Grain Value Flour Meal Value Land Buildings Machinery and Plant
* And seven sets of rollers.
† And two sets of rollers.
‡ And nine sets of rollers.
(1) One not in operation in 1885, and two for part of year only.
(2) One not in operation in 1885.
(3) One not in operation during 1885, and one only part of year.
(4) Two not in operation in 1885. Two mills gristing only. Value of produce not stated.
(5) Two not in operation in 1885, and one for part of year only.
(6) Two not in operation in 1885.
Bushels. Bushels. £ Tons Tons £ £ £ £
Auckland 15(1) 80 9 1 5 .. .. .. 486 38* 442,475 2,500 84,319 10,725 2,203 118,625 29,285 23,260 24,090
Taranaki 5(2) 7 1 .. 4 .. .. .. 70 12 36,365 2,952 5,811 923 143 6,992 1,510 3,250 2,150
Hawke's Bay 4(3) 7 2 .. 2 .. .. .. 37 5 26,510 .. 4,260 560 .. 4,460 1,130 950 2,650
Wellington 14 29 7 1 6 .. .. .. 174 29 178,723 5,066 29,385 3,724 628 40,269 4,150 8,120 10,550
Marlborough 3 7 1 .. 2 .. .. .. 69 8 41,986 1,988 7,550 723 53 10,150 1,750 2,550 2,950
Nelson 8(4) 15 5 .. 3 .. .. .. 98 15 47,124 5,016 7,833 999 167 10,150 2,060 3,400 3,800
Canterbury 32(5) 140 8 .. 22 1 1 .. 466 88 1,306,405 187,931 211,318 27,722 9,515 275,340 19,485 35,505 35,985
Otago 40(6) 163 14 4 22 .. .. .. 740 129 1,305,444 429,425 240,762 28,999 6,622 288,844 16,659 43,080 50,985
Totals 121 448 47 6 66 1 1 .. 2,140 324 3,385,032 634,878 591,238 74,225 19,331 754,830 76,029 120,115 133,160
Totals, Census 1881 131 450 49 11 68 .. .. 3 2,128 355 .. .. .. 69,251 7,143 .. 207,085 150,093

1891 Census

1891 Census from Stats NZ.
With an increase of 8 mills since 1886, the produce of flour increased by 20,908 tons, and of meal by 8,445 tons. There were 10 more steam mills in 1891 than in 1886, and 4 more worked by water-power. One windmill was in use in 1886, but none are returned at last census.


Table XVIII. Showing the Number of Mills for grinding and dressing Grain in Operation in April, 1891, the Hands and Power employed, the Amount paid in Wages, the Quantity and Value of Grain operated upon, the Quantity and Value of Flour and Meal produced during the Year 1890, and the Approximate Value of Land, Buildings, Machinery, and Plant.

Provincial Districts. Number of Mills. Number of Hands employed. Wages paid. Machine-power used. Amount of Horse-power. Number of Grain operated upon during 1890. Produce for the Year 1890. Approximate Value of
M. M. Steam. Water. Wind. Horse. Wind, Steam, and Gas. Pairs of Stones. Sets of Rollers. Wheat. Other Grain. Value. Flour. Meal. Value. Land. Buildings. Machinery and Plant.
* Including value of seed, grain, &c., cleaned or crushed. £4,451.
(1) One not in operation in 1890.
(2) Three not in operation in 1890, and five for part of year only.
(3) One not in operation in 1890, and three for part of year only.
H.P. Bushels. Bushels. £ Tons. Tons. £ £ £ £
Auckland 13 76 9,664 6 5 1 1 546 20 93 657,940 736 106,162 14,546 4,372 152,850 22,740 27,640 27,375
Taranaki 5 11 963 1 4 75 10 8 45,715 8,048 7,767 910 43 13,808 1,620 3,150 5,000
Hawke's Bay 2 4 281 2 18 3 270,086 13,675 35,472 5,219 1,113 64,253 3,905 8,580 11,700
Wellington 14 31 2,857 10 5 157 29 16
Marlborough (1) 4 7 752 1 3 103 3 8 82,492 4,950 12,410 1,679 3 15,375 1,620 4,650 6,250
Nelson 8 14 888 6 2 112 11 12 72,900 4,400 12,888 1,439 232 16,033 3,204 3,220 5,330
Canterbury (2) 40 189 19,675 19 26 1 929 83 77 1,916,454 197,730 300,327 41,317 5,571 391,142* 28,187 56,945 60,626
Otago (3) 43 167 17,304 18 32 1 966 115 59 1,360,763 465,406 264,564 30,033 16,442 338,351 15,961 44,225 49,900
Totals 129 499 52,384 63 77 3 1 2,906 274 273 4,406,350 694,945 739,590 95,133 27,776 991,812 77,237 148,410 166,181
Totals,Census 1886 121 448 53 73 1 1 2,140 324 9 3,385,032 634,878 591,238 74,225 19,331 754,830 76,029 120,115 133,160

1896 Census

1896 Census from Stats NZ.
Here the result of a five years' comparison is to show, what might be expected, a decrease in the number of mills in operation and decline of hands employed, also in output of grain, and other details. There were only 90 mills operating in 1896 against 129 in 1891, while the hands fell in number by 80, and the annual wages from £52,384 to £40,890. The fall in the grain operated on, and in the quantity and value of the produce, are given in the accompanying statement:


Table VIII. Showing the Number of Mills for grinding and dressing Grain in Operation in April, 1896, the Hands and Power employed, the Amount paid in Wages, the Quantity and Value of Grain operated upon, the Quantity and Value of Flour and Meal produced during the Year 1895, and the Approximate Value of Land, Buildings, Machinery, and Plant.
Provincial Districts. Number of Mills. Hands employed. Wages Plaid. Machine-power used. Amount of Horse-power. Number of Grain operated on in 1895. Produce for 1895. Total Value of Output. Approximate Value of
M. M. Steam. Water. Gas. Wind. Pairs of Stones. Sets of Rollers. Wheat. Other Grain. Value. Flour. Meal. Land. Buildings. Machinery and Plant.
* Includes 418 tons of oatmeal.
† Includes 3,596 tons of oatmeal.
(1) One mill not working in 1895.
£ .. .. .. .. H.P. No. No. Bushels. Bushels. £ Tons. Tons. £ £ £ £
Auckland(1) 12 68 6,960 6 5 .. 1 550 16 76 607,802 600 98,615 11,740 4,144 140,916 13,235 27,490 28,000
Taranaki 5 9 505 2 3 90 11 11 28,142 14,829 6,081 467 151 8,572 1,244 3,230 4,050
Hawke's Bay
Wellington(1) 9 32 2,736 8 2 .. .. 123 12 37 210,491 18,547 41,219 4,276 1,067 47,927 2,800 6,850 15,050
Marlborough 9 18 1,270 6 3 149 9 20 96,959 4,530 22,067 2,324 328 25,958 1,895 6,700 10,986
Canterbury(1) 32 157 16,829 15 20 1 .. 822 58 128 1,575,528 229,381 257,969 34,161 5,182* 351,159 14,825 54,244 65,594
Otago(1) 23 135 12,590 14 12 .. .. 599 38 134 1,296,511 463,561 227,268 28,065 5,610 300,124 7,731 36,200 55,723
Totals, 1895 90 419 40,890 51 45 1 1 2,333 144 406 3,815,433 731,448 653,219 81,033 16,482 874,656 41,730 134,714 179,403
Totals, 1890 129 499 52,384 63 77 .. .. 2,906 274 273 4,406,350 694,945 739,590 95,133 27,776 991,812 77,237 148,410 166,181

1901 Census

1901 Census from Stats NZ.

In 1896 it was remarked in the Census report that the result of a five year's comparison was to show a decrease in the number of grain-mills in operation, and decline of hands employed, also in grain operated upon. The result for 1900 is more satisfactory.

Although the number of mills working fell from 90 in 1896 to 78 in 1900, the hands employed increased from 419 to 515, and the wheat used from 3,815,433 bushels to 4,004,789 bushels, besides a slight increase in other kinds of grain. The total value of the output, however, declined from £874,656 to £682,884. A statement is given, to exhibit full details


Table VIII. Showing the Number of Mills for grinding and dressing Grain in Operation in March, 1901, the Hands and Power employed, the Amount paid in Wages, the Quantity and Value of Grain operated upon, the Quantity and Value of Flour and Meal produced during the Year 1900, and the Approximate Value of Land, Buildings, Machinery, and Plant.
Provincial Districts. No. of Mills. Hands employed. Wages paid. Motive Power. Horse-power. Number of Grain operated on in 1900. Produce for 1900. Total Value of Output. Approximate Value of
M. F. M. F. Steam. Water. Gas. Wind. Pairs of Stones. Sets of Rollers. Wheat. Other Grain. Value. Flour. Meal. Land. Buildings. Machinery and Plant.
£ £ H.p. No. No. Bushels. Bushels. £ Tons. Tons. £ £ £ £
Auckland 8 89 8,302 7 1 618 7 45 630,124 32,700 84,732 12,586 680 115,955 15,650 26,060 28,350
Taranaki 3 11 405 3 41 5 13 67,433 2,997 8,147 1,476 11,556 2,115 2,880 3,225
Hawke's Bay 2 4 234 2 31 2 8
Wellington 8 28 2,593 7 1 138 5 32 167,169 8,200 21,184 3,295 28,051 4,080 6,350 11,590
Marlborough 2 6 621 2 65 9 123,125 10,570 17,074 2,578 195 18,325 1,590 5,600 10,750
Nelson 5 12 659 3 2 91 9 21
Canterbury 23 201 1 18,991 40 12 11 835 22 160 1,791,585 173,458 218,004 37,198 1,522 273,379 14,781 57,380 57,351
Otago 27 162 1 17,449 70 14 15 1 603 33 141 1,225,353 534,415 196,501 25,884 5,021 235,618 6,472 34,547 69,885
Totals, 1900 78 513 2 49,254 110 45 35 3 2,422 83 429 4,004,789 762,340 545,642 83,017 7,418 682,884 44,688 132,817 181,151
Totals, 1895 90 419 40,890 51 45 1 1 2,333 144 406 3,815,433 731,448 653,219 81,033 16,482 874,656 41,730 134,714 179,403

1906 Census

1906 Census from Stats NZ.
The result of the inquiry regarding this industry is to show that so far as it relates to number of mills, hands employed, and grain operated upon, there has been no great increase during five years. The flour produced in 1905 was given as 95,528 tons, against 83,017 tons in 1900. But the value of the output of all kinds, which includes meal, was returned for 1905 as £1,058,686, against £682,884 for 1900, showing that a much higher value was placed on the flour, &c, at the last census than at the previous one. The ruling price in Canterbury wheat for 1900 was stated at 2s. per bushel, while for 1905 the figures for best wheat were 3s. 6d., and for other sorts from 2s. 8d. per bushel.


Table A.8. TABLE VIII. - Showing the Number of Mills for grinding and dressing Grain in Operation in April, 1906, the Hands and Power employed, the Amount paid in Wages, the Quantity and Value of Grain operated upon, the Quantity and Value of Flour and Meal produced during the Year 1905, and the Approximate Value of Land, Buildings, Machinery, and Plant.
Provincial Districts Number of Mills. Hands employed. Wages paid. Motive Power. Horse-Power. Number of Grain operated on in 1905. Produce for 1905. Total Value of Output during 1905. Approximate Value of
M. F. M. F. Steam. Water. Gas. Wind. Pairs of Stones Sets of Rollers. Wheat. Other Grain. Value. Flour. Meal. Other Products. Value. Land. Buildings. Machinery and Plant.
£ £ H.p. No. No. Bushels. Bushels £ Tons. Tons. £ £ £ £ £
Auckland 4 92 .. 11,412 .. 3 1 .. .. 600 .. 39 770,666 118,000 193,400 20,925 1,000 38,866 243,616 21,500 37,250 24,750
Taranaki 2 44 3,344 10 1 3 322 13 45 210,333 57,849 50,119 4,810 181 22,993 65,897 14,820 13,000 15,900
Hawke's Bay 1
Wellington 11
Marlborough 3 26 2,402 5 3 1 242 9 36 145,400 5,670 27,252 2,981 4,139 31,172 2,210 7,050 13,850
Nelson 6
Canterbury 22 199 3 21,586 105 16 8 2 .. 1,110 20 135 1,944,451 125,841 323,026 40,019 2,128 47,557 415,586 18,165 58,204 68,448
Otago 28 173 3 18,244 242 13 15 3 .. 914 28 152 1,281,694 407,595 241,680 26,793 3,938 30,633 302,415 15,175 45,295 55,941
Totals, 1905 77 534 6 56,988 347 47 28 9 .. 3,188 70 407 4,352,544 714,955 835,477 95,528 7,247 144,188 1,058,686 71,870 160,799 178,889
Totals, 1900 78 513 2 49,254 110 45 35 3 .. 2,422 83 429 4,004,789 762,340 545,642 83,017 7,418 .. 682,884 44,688 132,817 181,151
Totals, 1895 90 419 .. 40,890 .. 51 45 1 1 2,333 144 406 3,815,433 731,448 653,219 81,033 16,482 .. 874,656 41,730 134,714 179,403

1911 Census

1911 Census from Stats NZ.


Table XVI. Showing the Number and Character of Organization of Mills for grinding and dressing Grain in Operation in April, 1911, with Particulars as to the Hands and Power employed, Amount of Wages paid, Quantity and Cost of Material used or operated upon, the Quantity and Value of Flour, Meal, &c., produced during the Year to the 31st March, 1911, and the Approximate Value of Land, Buildings, Machinery, and Plant.
Provincial Districts. Number of Mills. (See Introductory Note.) Character of Organization. Hands employed. Wages paid. Motive Power. Horse-power. Pairs of Stones. Sets of Rollers. Materials used or operated upon. Manufactures or Products for 1910. Approximate Value of
Individual. Firm, or Limited Partnership. Registered Company. Males. Females. Males. Females. Steam. Electric. Water. Gas. Oil. Wheat. Oats. Cost of other Materials. Total Cost of Materials used or operated upon. Flour. Oatmeal. Bran. Pollard. Other Products. Total Value of Output for 1910. Land. Buildings. Machinery and Plant.
Public. Private. Quantity. Cost. Quantity. Cost. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Value. Value. Value.
£ £ Bushels. £ Bushels £ £ £ Tons. £ Tons. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Auckland 4 1 3 72 9,298 2 2 2 1 411 6 56 1,017,653 224,353 129,427 13,885 17,856 256,094 23,533 225,203 1,279 14,108 22,228 17,905 2,516 281,960 34,170 46,080 31,786
Taranaki 3 5 4 1 3 45 4,968 2 3 3 1 487 20 51 276,780 54,729 6,337 910 3,226 58,865 5,725 56,394 91 998 6,164 5,838 4,386 73,780 5,850 9,863 5,486
Wellington 0
Marlborough 3 4 1 1 20 1 2,393 54 1 1 2 3 279 8 20 277,748 23,136 300 37 682 23,855 3,031 29,504 154 1,398 2,674 1,455 410 35,441 1,700 3,900 10,720
Nelson 3
Canterbury 23 10 8 2 3 168 4 20,645 156 15 2 11 4 1,306 16 190 2,287,144 393,396 214,945 21,517 14,556 49,469 46,327 421,289 1,521 17,493 33,416 36,564 32,572 541,334 26,028 59,520 72,623
Otago 16 3 7 2 4 90 10,922 5 3 12 1 1 923 23 98 1,098,527 199,870 211,264 21,463 2,480 223,813 23,428 209,169 2,453 27,264 8,034 9,104 1,385 254,956 6,168 24,945 36,392
Southland 4 1 1 2 24 2,548 3 2 218 9 18 207,11 37,543 114,290 10,602 521 48,666 3,895 38,160 1,260 14,417 2,929 4,421 501 60,530 7,597 9,560 15,530
Totals, 1910 66 24 21 8 13 419 5 50,774 210 28 8 30 13 3 3,624 82 433 5,165,763 933,027 676,563 68,414 39,321 1,040,762 105,939 979,719 6,758 75,678 75,445 75,287 41,770 1,248,001 81,513 153,668 172,539
Totals, 1905 77 534 6 56,988 347 47 28 9 3,188 70 407 4,352,544 835,477 95,528 7,247 144,188 1,058,186 71,870 160,799 178,889
Totals, 1900 78 513 2 49,254 110 45 35 3 2,422 83 429 4,004,780 545,642 83,017 7,418 682,884 44,688 132,817 181,151

Non-census stats on mills


Although manufacturing industries in the Province of Wellington are as yet in their infancy, yet within the last few years considerable progress has been made in that direction. In the city of Wellington, one large iron foundry employs from 35 to 40 hands on the average, and other smaller establishments of the same kind exist. In the town of Wanganui there is also a foundry. Saw-mills are becoming numerous in the Province, and already turn out a large quantity of sawn timber. These mills are at work in the Upper Hutt, the Wairarapa, the Upper Manawatu district, the Middle Rangitikei district, and in one or two places north of Wanganui. As the demand for sawn timber is great, and the supply of bush country unlimited, there are good openings for the establishment of new sawmills. Most of these mills are worked by steam power. There are two steam sawmills in the city of Wellington, where the manufacture of doors, sashes, &c., is carried on upon an extensive scale. In the same place there is a steam flour-mill. There are two flour-mills in the town of Wanganui, three at Rangitikei, and four in the Wairarapa; some driven by steam, and some by water power. On the West Coast, there are about ten flax-mills, which, when in operation, employ a considerable number of hands, principally boys, who receive wages ranging from 10s. to £1 per week, with food. At present, however, most of these mills are idle, owing to the low price of flax. There are several rope-walks, the one at Ototoho, near Waitotara, being the largest. In the city of Wellington and its immediate vicinity there are five fellmongeries and two tanneries, one of the latter employing sixteen or eighteen hands. There are likewise several fellmongeries at Wanganui. Boat-building on a small scale is carried on at Wellington and Wanganui. Soap-making is also pursued in Wellington and Wanganui; and in the former place bone-dust is manufactured by machinery. The brewing industry is largely carried on in the Wellington Province.

The last census has shown that at the close of the year 1870, there were in operation 77 mills for grinding and dressing corn, 161 flax-mills, 109 saw-mills (including, in many cases, sash, door, planing, and moulding works), 69 breweries, 22 boiling-down and meat - preserving works, 3 brick and tile yards and potteries, 49 fellmongeries, tanneries, &c., 21 malt-kilns, 38 collieries, 16 iron and brass foundries, and 191 factories for various other purposes. These mills and other works and factories employed 7,177 hands, of whom 129 were females. 116 of the mills were wrought by steam, of the aggregate power of about 2,500 horses, and 178 steam-engines, of a power exceeding that of 3,000 horses, were employed in the various factories, besides 92 steam, 17 water, and 470 horse thrashing-machines; 736 reaping-machines, 12 steam-ploughs, and 28 steam-harrows.

The manufacturing interests of Otago are varied, extensive, and extending. As the cultivation of the soil was the first pursuit in which man was engaged, the preparation of its products for his support claims first notice.

There are at full work at the present time nearly thirty grain-mills, driven either by water or steam power, some of them able to produce fifteen tons of fine flour daily. For a considerable portion of the year, several of these mills are at work on the double-shift system, so that the quantity of flour sent to market is large. That the machinery employed is on the most approved principle, and that the management is in practical hands, is certain from the fact that the provincially-manufactured article has completely shut the market against foreign competition, and has, in addition, been largely and profitably exported to supply the wants of neighbouring Provinces and Colonies. Several of the mills have also appliances and machinery for oatmeal, and pot and pearl barley, all of which are produced largely.

Biscuit-makers have established for themselves a wide-spread reputation, so that both hand and steam power are in constant work to meet the demand which the quality of the article has created.

To provide the farmer with manure, and thus enable him to produce the largest quantity of grain, and of the best description, several bone-mills are in constant work, producing hundreds of tons annually.


As yet, the mills in Canterbury are of only two kinds, flour and flax. Of the first there are many, and as any portion of the country becomes settled, new ones are erected. Canterbury produces far more of breadstuffs than is required by its population, and therefore does not import them. The mills are of all kinds—wind, steam, and water; and the average price for gristing may be taken to be 9d. per bushel of wheat and 6d. per bushel of oats.

Flax or Phormium mills are also to be found in many districts in the Province. This industry, however, which a year or two ago, when the new process of dressing the Phormium fibre came into general use, promised so well, has unfortunately not answered the expectations formed of it. The causes of its decline cannot well be entered into here; but it appears that the fibre has had to contend, in the home markets, with very great difficulties, and, moreover, it is not yet certain whether the process adopted by the millowners is the one best calculated to clean it. Of the mills started a few years ago, many have been closed, but there are still several left, and these give employment to a large number of hands.


This fertile plain is watered chiefly by the rivers Omaka, Opawa, and Wairau, with their tributary streams; the rivers themselves being navigable for a distance of about twelve miles by coasters and small steamers, and the smaller streams supplying abundant water-power, easily made available for mills and factories of various descriptions.


The country was very healthy—the year would pass without a single death occurring in the community. The earth also yielded abundantly—wheat just chipped in with a mattock returned rich harvests of golden grain. Mills were erected, and quantities of fine flour exported.

There are two flour-mills, one worked by steam, one by water.


Millers, £2. 5s. to £3 per week. None offering.

Wholesale Rates of Breadstuffs and Produce.
Flour, millers' price, per ton, first quality, £17; fine flour, household, £14; Adelaide flour, £18; Canterbury, £12 to £14; seconds, £12; sharps, £7. 10s.; bran 1s. 6d., per bushel; wheat, Canterbury, N. Z., 5s. 3d. to 5s. 6d.; Adelaide, 7s. 6d.; Auckland, 6s. 6d. per bushel Cabin biscuit per 100 lb. retail, 22s.; maize, 7s. 6d., good very scarce; oats, 4s. 6d. to 5s. per bushel; potatoes, £5. to £5 10s.; hay, £2 to £4. 10s. per ton; chaff, £6. 10s. per ton.

From the Chapter 51. STATISTICS OF NEW ZEALAND, 1864.—PART II., No. 18

Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Qy. Val. Quantity. Value.
For Flour Mills packages 31 723 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 320 2 40 20 231 .. .. 51 497 .. .. 46 310 .. .. 1 10 .. .. 8 225 .. .. 10 796 .. .. .. .. 194 3,152
For Saw and Flax Mills packages 185 3,371 .. .. 1,404 2,200 .. .. .. .. 1 280 .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 1,198 .. .. 19 215 .. .. 269 3,320 .. .. .. .. .. .. 165 2,268 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 194 3,3,152

Statistics of Nelson

1845 New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume II, Issue 79, 11 April 1846, Page 4 Saw Mill at Motuaka, the property of the executors of the late Captain Thorns, at present not worked. Do. at Gleniti, having one circular and six upright saws, the property of Mr. Bagent. Do. at Waimea West, having two frame saws, the property of Messrs. Murphy & Rutherford. Do. at Waimea West, in the course of erection, the property of Mr. Martin. Flour Mill in Nelson, water power, erected by shares. Do. at Gleniti, water power, the property of Mr. Bagent. Do. in Suburban South, water power. Flax Mill and Rope Walk in Suburban North, the property of Mr. M'Glashan. Flax Mill in Suburban South, the property of the Flax Company, at present not worked. The quantity prepared during the year about 30 tons.
1846 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VI, Issue 264, 27 March 1847, Page 14 Saw Mill at Motueka, the property of the executors of the late Captain Thorns, at present not worked. Ditto at Gleniti, the property of Mr. T. Baigent, having one circular and six vertical saws. Ditto in Waimea West, having two frame saws, belonging to Messrs Rutherford and Murphy. Ditto at Waimea West, the property of Mr. Hugh Martin. Flour Mill in Nelson, water power, one pair of stones, erected by shares. The quantity of flour it turned out during the year was 205 tons. Ditto in Waimea South, water power, one pair of stones, the propery of Mr. W. Herrick. Ditto, at Gleniti, water power, the property of Mr. Baigent. Flax Mill and Rope Walk, in Suburban North, the property of Mr. M'Glashan. The quantity of flax produced is from thirty to forty tons.
1847 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VI, Issue VI, 15 January 1848, Page 180 Saw Mill at Motueka, the property of the executors of the late Captain Thorns, at present not worked. Saw Mill at Gleniti the property of Mr. Baigent. One circular and six vertical saws. Ditto in Waimea west, the property of Mr. H. Martin. Flour Mill in Nelson, two pairs of stones, water power, ground xxxx bushels of wheat. Messrs. Campbell and Jenkins. Ditto in Waimea South, one pair of stones, water power. Mr. W. Herrick. Ditto at Gleniti, water power, the property of Mr. Baigent. Flax Mill and Rope Walk, in Suburban North, the property of Mr. M'Glashan.
1848 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VII, Issue 360, 27 January 1849, Page 091 Flour Mill in Nelson, leased by Messrs. Campbell and Jenkins. Water-power, two pair of stones. Value of wheat ground, £4,500. Ditto in Waimea West, the property of Mr. W. Herrick. Water-power, one pair of stones. Ditto at Glen Iti, the property of Mr. Baigent. Water-power, one pair of stones. Ditto at Riwaka, the property of Mr. Mickle. Water-power, one pair of stones. Saw Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Martin. Ditto, ditto, the property of Mr. Rutherford. Ditto, in Glen Iti, the property of Mr. Baigent. Ditto, at Motueka, the property of Mrs. Thorns (not worked). Hemp Mill and Rope Walk, the property of Mr M'Glashan.
1849 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume VIII, Issue 415, 16 February 1850, Page 201 Flour Mill, in Nelson, leased to Mr. Campbell. Water power, two pair of stones. Quantity of wheat ground during the year, 20,000 bushels. Flour Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Stratford. Water power, one pair of stones. Wheat ground, 5,200 bushels. Ditto, at Riwaka, the property of Mr. Mickle. Water power, one pair of stones. Wheat ground, 1,404 bushels. Saw Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Martin. Ditto, in Glen-Iti, the property of Mr. Baigent. Hemp Mill and Rope Walk, the property of Mr. M'Glashan.
1850 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume IX, Issue 465, 1 February 1851, Page 194 Flour Mill, in Nelson, leased to Mr. Campbell. Water power, two pair of stones. Flour Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Stratford. Water power, one pair of stones. Ditto, at Riwaka, the property of Mr. Mickle. Water power, one pair of stones. Ditto, at Richmond, in course of erection, the property of Mr. H. Eliot Steam & wind power. Saw Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Martin. Ditto, in Glen-Iti, the property of Mr. Baigent. Hemp Mill and Rope Walk, the property of Mr M'Glashan.
1851 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XI, Issue 521, 28 February 1852, Page 3 Flour Mill, in Nelson, leased to Mr. Campbell. Water power, two pair of stones. Flour Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Stratford. Water power, one pair of stones. Ditto, at Riwaka, the property of Mr. Mickle. Water power, one pair of stones. Ditto, at Richmond, the property of Mr. H. Eliot. Steam and wind power. Saw Mill, in Waimea South, the property of Mr. Martin. Ditto, in Glen-Iti, the property of Mr. Baigent. Hemp Mill and Rope Walk, the property of Mr. M'Glashan.
1852 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XII, Issue 573, 26 February 1853, Page 2 Nelson - Flour Mill, leased to Mr. Campbell. Water power. Flour Mill, the property of Dr. Bush. Wind power. Richmond - Flour Mill, the property of Mr. Saunders. Steam and wind power. Riwaka - Flour Mill, the property of Mr. Mickle. Water power. Waimea South - Flour Mill, the property of Mr. Stratford. Water power. Saw Mill, the property of Mr. Martin. Water power. Saw Mill, the property of Mr. Baigent. Water power. Rope Walk, the property of Mr. M'Glashan.

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