Windmills of Brazil

Castrolanda (#br2)

De Immigrant: smock mill : working order

Constructed by Dutch engineer Jan Heijdra in 2001

Signboard says:
Este mooinho e uma homenagem aos fundadores da comunidade e cooperativa Castrolanda, por ocasiao do seu cinquentenario.
30 de Novembro 2001

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Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Holambra (#br1)

smock mill :

Constructed 2007-8, over 30 metres tall

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Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Mock Mills

Blumenau, SC (#brmock10)

Moinho do Vale: smock mill :

Constructed 1971, as part of a restaurant on a 20 year concession. In 2008 a major redevelopment turned the restaurant into a tourist complex, and reconditioned the mill.

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Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Campos do Jordão (#brmock13)

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Campos do Jordão (#brmock14)

Moinho Hotel:


Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Campos do Jordão (#brmock15)

Vila Holandesa: smock mill :

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Holambra (#brmock3)

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Holambra (#brmock4)

Large garden model.

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Holambra (#brmock5)


Atop a gateway.

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Holambra (#brmock6)


Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Holambra (#brmock7)

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Holambra (#brmock8)

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Holambra (#brmock9)

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Holambra (#brmisc)

various models:

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Joinville (#brmock2)


[photo] [photo]

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Petropolis (#brmock12)

A temporary structure erected for the 20th Bauernfest, 26/6/09 - 5/7/09.

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

Porto Alegre (#brmock1)

Windmill Park: tower mill :

Azores style.

[mention] [photo]

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.
Picasa Web Album images are copyright their individual photographers.


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Last updated 03/03/2017 Text and images © Mark Berry, 1997-2017 -