Watermills of Wiltshire


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NGR: ST805600

Weavers Mill: - house converted former woollen, turbine still in place

As of June 2006, this mill is for sale

The stone built mill was constructed about 1700, and has one of the earliest UK turbines in place. Water power continued to be used to generate electricity until the 1970s, though the mill had by then been house converted. The site holds great potential to be used once again for power production, with the current emphasis on renewable energy, and the new generation of micro-hydro installations.

Weavers mill, Avoncliff - mill and weir, 13/5/06

Weavers mill turbine arch, 18/5/06

Weavers mill turbine, 18/5/06

Weavers mill turbine, 18/5/06

Weavers mill machinery, 18/5/06

Weavers mill machinery, 18/5/06

Weavers mill machinery, 18/5/06

Weavers mill machinery, 18/5/06

[info] [Details on potential for electricity generation {PDF}]


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- house converted



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- converted to holiday accomodation



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Last updated 03/03/2017 Text and images © Mark Berry, 1997-2017 -
Portions © Chris Mairs, 2006