Turnell's Watermill, Wellingborough

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watermills Turnell's Watermill, Wellingborough

Item: #851, Posted: 18/4/12

I last reported on Turnell's watermill in Wellingborough in Nov 2004, at which point although it was clear that some machinery remained at the site, everything that was there was very overgrown. Since then Trevor Stainwright with occasional helpers has fenced and cleared much of the site, and provided the following details along with captioned photographs.

The mill remains are within a private fishing ground, but the owners have allowed Trevor access to the site, which now comprises a spacious compound accessible by a footbridge. The site is protected by a newly erected gated security fence, and has various work platforms spanning the pits and by-pass channel allowing access to the waterwheel and the sluice mechanism. There remains additional old machinery buried there (verified by pieces of metal sticking up through the ground), and a French millstone was recently uncovered. It is believed that the sluice machinery can be got working again.

Turnell's mill, Wellingborough, 1968. Built 1874 on former mill site which has been in existence since 1086 Domesday Survey.

First floor showing pulleys and crushers replacing traditional machinery.

Opposite side of building. Pulled down in 1975.

State of the site between 2007-2009. As well as clearing foliage I had to cut down a number of small trees.

Much of the remains were hidden from view.

To access the site I had to cross a brook by tip-toeing across a step ladder spanning the 14ft gap.

Aug 2010. The lengthy job of clearing the site. In the foreground are fence panels awaiting erection.

The Wheel, April 2012. Note the work platform bridging the by-pass channel, and the wooden safety rail to the left of the picture.

Summer 2011. Son Jonathon giving scale to the 15ft x 10ft waterwheel.

From the pit-wheel side. The bite-size damage to the outer rim of the wheel was caused during its working life and not during the demolition of the mill building in 1975.

Sluice gear. Hopefully soon to be repaired. Note green security fence in background. April 2012.

Rack and pinion of the sluice gear. Only the crank handle is missing. April 2012.

See also:Preserving Turnells Mill, Wellingborough (9/11/04)

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