Almer's Mill, Ockley, Surrey

Ockley #2585

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NGR: TQ147395

Map/aerial photo of the area around the mill

Almer's Mill: smock - Collpsed 1944, leaving just the base. In process of being reconstructed as authentic looking mill, but for residential use. [homepage] [painting]

[Search Muggeridge Collection]

Entry in Mills Archive database - #2585

Elmer's Mill, Ockley [2010-07-26]

Robin Webster

Elmers Mill rebuild well underway [2009-01-09]

Andy Potter

Elmers Mill Ruin [2006-06-19]

Dan Gregory

Geograph images are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike licence

Mill ID 2585
Almer's Mill: Ockley, Surrey, c1950-60 - {T C Vickers Collection}

Ockley,the Windmill 1906,Surrey
Ockley, the Windmill 1906 {Reproduced courtesy of The Francis Frith Collection}


News item: Ockley windmill viewed on Heritage Open Days (11/9/12)
News item: Smock framing at Ockley windmill (26/5/08)

Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.

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Last updated 27/07/2020 Text and images © Mark Berry, 1997-2020 -