Woodhouse Eaves windmill, Leicestershire

Woodhouse Eaves #1486

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NGR: SK526143

Map/aerial photo of the area around the mill

post mill - roundhouse, now sporting an unusual roof extension showing the size of the buck, and turning it into a viewing platform

Woodhouse Eaves, 14/4/07 © Carol Homa

[info] [info] [Broombriggs Farm]

Entry in Mills Archive database - #1486

Entries in photo archives:
[English Heritage]
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Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.
News item: Publicly accessibly converted windmills (13/5/13)

,Woodhouse Eaves, the Windmill c1945, Leicestershire,
Woodhouse Eaves, the Windmill c1945, Leicestershire {Reproduced courtesy of The Francis Frith Collection}

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