Windmills of Austria

Podersdorf, Burgenland (#at1)

tower mill :

[info] [photo] [photo] [photo]

Wikipedia entry

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Retz (#at2)

tower mill : restored


Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Retz (#at3)

tower mill : house converted

Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.
Photos provided by Panoramio are under the copyright of their owners.

Mock Mills

Vienna (#atmock1)

Moulin Rouge: neon sign:


Entries in photo archives:
Flickr images are copyright their individual photographers.


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Last updated 03/03/2017 Text and images © Mark Berry, 1997-2017 -